客戶︰全家便利商店 FamilyMart
設計︰ ujHsu
設計︰ ujHsu
設計理念 / Design concept
FamilyMart Store created a slogan, "FamilyMart is your home". We were very catchy and suddenly approached the distance between us and FamilyMart store. For us, the store is like a neighbor. When we need anything, we first think FamilyMart. This made me imagine a friendly robot to represent "digiFami". His nose is an English word "d", which represents the communication image of the FamilyMart entering the full digital service. The invitation card is designed with the image of a digiFami robot. After opening the card, we will first hear the familiar music when entering the store.
設計 / Designing
Proposal second edition design, One is a cute robot and the other is an image like a digital cloud.
- concept 001 -

The character's face will change 4 colors, representing the four visions of FamilyMart.

- concept 002 -
設計理念 / Design concept
Imagine the invitation card as a digital cloud and express it in pixels. This expression represents a digital life that connects the past and the future, adding some sense of fun.

Thank you steve.