Character Design /
In this「將子求財」 online mahjong game,
I designed the character of mahjong. Customers want the character of the image is showing Nonsense, funny, spoof, While customers want to show style different to me, But in the case , I still feel very interesting.
I designed the character of mahjong. Customers want the character of the image is showing Nonsense, funny, spoof, While customers want to show style different to me, But in the case , I still feel very interesting.
Clent 戲谷麻將
Concept 橙果設計
Designer uj Hsu
Concept 橙果設計
Designer uj Hsu

企劃方向 /
與麻將子外型相關的公仔,純粹討喜、招財喜好,用kuso的方式表現出麻將子人性化或耍賤的模樣。可用麻將子:大三元(中發白)、發 (發財)、中(高中、好運),其他招好運:紅內褲、折被(防止運氣背)。
禁止:嚴禁拍背(做麻將公仔背後長刺)、不嫁相公、不看書(麻將公仔燒書),好玩的麻將子:西風=大便(賽)、一條=燒雞, 雞,小雞,孔雀,麻雀,鳳凰、二筒=ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ,奶罩,眼鏡,蛋蛋、三條=三腳褲。