The Chinese monsters are coming!
The Chinese monsters are coming!
Client : Bright Ideas Design
Illustrator : UJHSU
Illustrator : UJHSU
這個案子是多媒體光碟時代的產物,裡頭畫了很多想像中的怪獸,為了介紹中國每個重要的港口 現在想想,其實怪獸們都有小時候看過卡通,漫畫,故事書裡的影子。從小我們就想像很多巨大的生物,從大海裡出現,從天空降下,從黑暗裡,從火山口出來.....有太多的想像了。其實我們應該每天都畫出一隻怪獸,不然在這樣每天像機器人一樣的生活中。自己的想像力都已經快消失不見,這樣反而會讓自己走上絕境。
This case is age of multimedia CD
I drew a lot of imagined monster, in order to introduce China's important port, Now I think, the monsters are all my child read the cartoon or cartoons, We would imagined a lot of huge monsters, Appeared from the sea, fall from the sky Appeared in the darkness, out of the crater .....