商品設計案,國立故宮博物院 X 大稻埕百年老店合作企劃。接受貳肆策劃的邀約,共同參與國立故宮博物院 ft. 大稻埕百年品牌的商品設計案,老店為︰林三益、有記名茶、李亭香。此專案目的,藉由設計力呈現故宮與百年老店的浪漫交集。
Invitation to 24 scheme, to participate in the product design case of the National Palace Museum & the century brand in Taiwan.
Invitation to 24 scheme, to participate in the product design case of the National Palace Museum & the century brand in Taiwan.
客戶︰國立故宮博物院 / 貳肆策劃
企劃執行︰貳肆策劃 & ujHsu
商品設計︰ ujHsu
企劃執行︰貳肆策劃 & ujHsu
商品設計︰ ujHsu
林三益 筆墨專家 ft. 翠玉白菜
此器利用玉之原色施以巧琢,以綠色部份琢為菜葉,白色處施作菜身,酷似實物,葉上並琢二螽斯。為故宮所藏「巧作玉器」中最受人矚目者。設計概念解構翠玉白菜,放入林三益的DNA 。以「色彩」與「形狀」選品,材質以金與翠玉白菜的翠玉漸層原色共現,為文物與商品添增浪漫的情懷,筆身想法來自於翠玉白菜自身的漸層色美好,材質為反光材質(壓克力)。我們加上了筆架的概念,筆架形狀取自翠玉白菜,此款設計將商品從色彩到形狀做完整的呈現,訂價策略為高單價。
The design idea is that the criteria for choosing culture are "color" and "shape", and the materials ae presented in gold, gradual color of jade, adding romantic feelings to cultural relics and products. The idea of the pen body comes from the beautiful color of the jadeite cabbage, which is made of reflective material. We have added the concept of a pen holder. The shape of the pen holder is from Jadeite Cabbage. This design makes a complete presentation of the product from color to shape.
The design idea is that the criteria for choosing culture are "color" and "shape", and the materials ae presented in gold, gradual color of jade, adding romantic feelings to cultural relics and products. The idea of the pen body comes from the beautiful color of the jadeite cabbage, which is made of reflective material. We have added the concept of a pen holder. The shape of the pen holder is from Jadeite Cabbage. This design makes a complete presentation of the product from color to shape.

草圖發想 / 由文物的造形發想,包括了︰玉琮 (新石器 - 石代良渚文化晚期)、宗周鐘 (西周晚期)、汝窯青瓷蓮花溫碗 (北宋)


設計概念 /
有記名茶 ft. 玉匣鏡

For women, we design our personal tea pots into a powder case commonly used by women. The upper cover part retains "Yuxia" Bronze Mirror, mirror back decoration, eight evenly arranged gingko patterns radiating from the center ,, the edges of the gingko leaves have fine wave patterns, after opening, it is embedded with a bronze mirror surface to reproduce The beauty of ancient beauty.

李亭香餅店 ft. 潑墨仙人
The author completed the painting "Immortal in Splashed Ink" with very simple strokes, which is the essence of commercial character creation. The immortal in the painting has a pretty cute expression, which is very suitable as a character for goods. The combination of immortal and Lee-cake can create very different ideas. Imagine immortal is black and white, and it becomes colored after eating the cake. It can create key vision, merchandise, and events for products.

有記名茶 ft. 名畫選
Living design, the design of the small tea bag is like a small world. We turn the world into a part of a painting, and add a dialog box to make the small tea bag like a small card. Things, or sentences you want to yell in your heart, can be given as a small gift to colleagues or friends, a little romance in life.

〈雙喜圖〉崔白 北宋 /〈谿山行旅圖〉范寬 宋 〈丹楓呦鹿圖〉五代 〈畫元世祖出獵圖〉劉貫道 元
〈雙喜圖〉崔白 北宋 /〈谿山行旅圖〉范寬 宋 〈丹楓呦鹿圖〉五代 〈畫元世祖出獵圖〉劉貫道 元

The paper-made three-piece square design combines the tea box concept of Wang Tea, Open the drawer of the carton to take out the tea bags. The outer box is designed as a painting. Two boxes are stacked to see a complete painting.