戴資穎 - Logo設計案
Client: TTY
Art Director / Ujhsu
Designer / Amy ,Ujhsu
Art Director / Ujhsu
Designer / Amy ,Ujhsu
I will shape the diamond as an image, Tai Tzu Ying of the letters "TTY" for the design elements, Combined with the idea of logo. Look forward to Tai Tzu Ying can become a badminton world of diamonds, shiny shiny.

Cut the TTY letters with the original tangent of the diamond, Especially to Y to lowercase and reverse, The idea comes from Tai Tzu Ying backhand shot moves. The overall performance of a solid, smooth feeling. Symbolic indestructible powerful force.

Color plan is white. White can take all kinds of background. Produce a different visual experience.

~ Let's Play ~